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June 12 - 17

McGregory Hall was closed for construction three days this week, so I worked from home Tuesday through Thursday. I mostly read from Clean Code and another book I checked out from the library about perspective. I also refactored my square tile program based on what I was reading from the Clean Code book, so it is much nicer code now.

In the art perspective book, I found something interesting about the angles in an image based on the location that the artist was at. Apparently, the point I have been calling D is actually called a forty-five point, because it is the location where all lines at a forty-five degree angle to the horizon converge. In order to calculate the location of these points (one on the left and one on the right), you need to know the observation point, where the artist was standing relative to the canvas when they created the piece of art. I found that most often, the angle of viewe  is 45 degrees.