Other online scholarship profiles: Google Scholar, DBLP, ACM Author Page, and ORC-ID.
Differentially private hierarchical count-of-counts histograms
Yu-Hsuan Kuo, Cho-Chun Chiu, Dan Kifer, Michael Hay, and Ashwin Machanavajjhala
PVLDB 2018
Optimizing error of high-dimensional statistical queries under differential privacy
Ryan McKenna, Gerome Miklau, Michael Hay, and Ashwin Machanavajjhala
PVLDB 2018
IoT-Detective: Analyzing IoT Data Under Differential Privacy
Sameera Ghayyur, Yan Chen, Roberto Yus, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, and Sharad Mehrotra
SIGMOD (Demo) 2018
Ektelo: A Framework for Defining Differentially-Private Computations
Dan Zhang, Ryan McKenna, Ios Kotsogiannis, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, and Ashwin Machanavajjhala
Ektelo: A Framework for Defining Differentially-Private Computations
Dan Zhang, Ryan McKenna, Ios Kotsogiannis, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, and Ashwin Machanavajjhala
TPDP 2017
PeGaSus: Data-Adaptive Differentially Private Stream Processing
Yan Chen, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Michael Hay, and Gerome Miklau
CCS 2017
Differentially Private Learning of Graphical Models Using CGMs
Garret Bernstein, Ryan McKenna, Tao Sun, Dan Sheldon, Michael Hay, and Gerome Miklau
ICML 2017
Differentially Private Learning of Graphical Models Using CGMs
Garret Bernstein, Ryan McKenna, Tao Sun, Dan Sheldon, Michael Hay, and Gerome Miklau
Private and Secure Machine Learning Workshop at ICML 2017
Pythia: Data Dependent Differentially Private Algorithm Selection
Ios Kotsogiannis, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Michael Hay, and Gerome Miklau
DIAS: Differentially Private Interactive Algorithm Selection using Pythia
Ios Kotsogiannis, Michael Hay, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Miklau, and Margaret Orr
SIGMOD (Demo) 2017
Differential Privacy in the Wild: A tutorial on current practices & open challenges.
Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Xi He, and Michael Hay
Differentially Private Rank Aggregation
Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, and Liudmila Elagina
SDM 2017
Differential Privacy in the Wild: A tutorial on current practices & open challenges.
Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Xi He, and Michael Hay
PVLDB 2016
Exploring Privacy-Accuracy Tradeoffs using DPComp
Michael Hay, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Miklau, Yan Chen, Dan Zhang, and George Bissias
SIGMOD (Demo) 2016
Principled Evaluation of Differentially Private Algorithms using DPBench
Michael Hay, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Gerome Miklau, Yan Chen, and Dan Zhang
The matrix mechanism: optimizing linear counting queries under differential privacy
Chao Li, Gerome Miklau, Michael Hay, Andrew McGregor, and Vibhor Rastogi
VLDB Journal 2015
A Data- and Workload-Aware Query Answering Algorithm for Range Queries Under Differential Privacy
Chao Li, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, and Yue Wang
PVLDB 2014
Crowd-Blending Privacy
Johannes Gehrke, Michael Hay, Edward Lui, and Rafael Pass
Crypto 2012
iReduct: Differential Privacy with Reduced Relative Errors
Xiaokui Xiao, Gabriel Bender, Michael Hay, Johannes Gehrke
Privacy-aware Data Management in Information Networks (Tutorial)
Michael Hay, Kun Liu, Gerome Miklau, Jian Pei, and Evimaria Terzi
Enabling Accurate Analysis of Private Network Data
Michael Hay
Ph.D. Thesis 2010
Resisting Structural Re-identification in Anonymized Social Networks
Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, David Jensen, Don Towsley, and Chao Li
VLDB Journal 2010
Optimizing Linear Counting Queries Under Differential Privacy
Chao Li, Michael Hay, Vibhor Rastogi, Gerome Miklau, Andrew McGregor
PODS 2010
Boosting the Accuracy of Differentially-Private Histograms Through Consistency
Michael Hay, Vibhor Rastogi, Gerome Miklau, Dan Suciu
VLDB 2010
Accurate Estimation of the Degree Distribution of Private Networks
Michael Hay, Chao Li, Gerome Miklau, David Jensen
ICDM 2009
Enabling Accurate Analysis of Private Network Data
Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, David Jensen
Draft book chapter, Privacy-Aware Knowledge Discovery: Novel Applications and New Techniques, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press. 2010
Relationship Privacy: Output Perturbation for Queries with Joins
Vibhor Rastogi, Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, Dan Suciu
PODS 2009
Resisting Structural Re-identification in Anonymized Social Networks
Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, David Jensen, Don Towsley, and Philipp Weis
VLDB 2008
Anonymizing social networks
Michael Hay, Gerome Miklau, David Jensen, Philipp Weis, and Siddharth Srivastava
University of Massachusetts Amherst Technical Report 2007
An integrated, conditional model of information extraction and coreference with application to citation matching
Ben Wellner, Andrew McCallum, Fuchun Peng and Michael Hay
UAI 2004
Exploiting relational structure to understand publication patterns in high-energy physics
Amy McGovern, Lisa Friedland, Michael Hay, Brian Gallagher, Andrew Fast, Jennifer Neville, David Jensen
ACM SIGKDD Explorations 2003
Learning relational probability trees
Jennifer Neville, David Jensen, Lisa Friedland, and Michael Hay
Avoiding bias when aggregating relational data with degree disparity
David Jensen, Jennifer Neville, and Michael Hay
ICML 2003