Due Monday, October 7 at 10:00 P.M.
Please type up your answers in a simple text editor such as Emacs or vi
and submit it with your code files by the deadline on royal
Include your name in the filename and at the top of your write-up.
Copy the following folder from royal
The directory contains a pdf document and many code samples.
Part I: Process Chains
Complete the exercise described in Section 3.8.
- Answer the questions 1 to 7 in your text file.
- Do the modifications on the code requested and submit
your code.
I strongly suggest to complete Part 1 of Lab 3 before completing Project 1.
Part II: Process Fans
Complete the exercise described in Section 3.9.
- Write the runsim and the testsim
- Test the programs using a testing.data file.
- Give the results and comments on them in your text file.