FSEM 131
Lab 2
Due October 4th, 2018 at 11 P.M.

To review the lecture material download the posted code and the references pages on while loop.

1. [2 pts] Consider the following program that uses a while loop to print increasing numbers on the console.

println("counting up with a while loop");
int MAX = 5;   // constant declaration used to terminate the loop 
int i = 1;     // initialization of counter variable 
// i is the loop variable, incremented each time through the loop 

while (i <= MAX) { // continutation test: boolean expression
                   // tested before continuing next iteration

  // print the counter followed by a space (no new line)
  print(i + " ");  
  //counter i is updated
  i = i+1;
// change line with println
println("done: out of the while loop");


The synthax for a while loop is the following

while (continuation test) {
   one statement updates the variable tested in the contintation test
Now that you understand the process of a while loop, copy the above code into a Processing program called loops and do the following. The output of loops should be the following
counting up with a while loop
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
done: out of the while loop
counting down with a while loop
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 
done: out of the while loop

2. [4 pts] Using a while, write a program moreLoops that produces on the console the output below for Loop 1 and Loop 2. You should write down your thought process first on a piece of paper. Check manually the loop iterations before pressing the run bitton. Pay attention to bounds (where the repetition starts and ends).

Loop 1 
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 

Loop 2
20 15 10 5 0 

2. [4 pts] Write a program ellipseLoop.pde that creates an output similar to the image below.

3. [4 pts] Write a program called dice that creates a 300 x 300 window and initializes the variables

int dotSize = 25;
int dotX = 40;
int dotY = 40;
int incX = 50;
int incY = 50;

which are used in a loop to produce the image below.

Changing the window size to 400 x 400 produces this image.

4. [4 pts] Write a program manyLinesGrid.pde that uses a for loop to create an output similar to the image below.

The grid should be centered in the window with space all around.