Unit 0: Procedural Programming (PP) Review in Java
Writing complex programs with many helper functions
Jan 20 |
Half-day lecture: syllabus, readings & class process |
22 |
Java Data Types: primitives vs. references (==/.equals() )
Process: incremental development, tests suite;
codingBat demo
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3.2 |
Reading: 3.3 (up to Table 3.3)
for/conditional syntax &
String methods
Lab #1
24 |
Java Programs: class, main, static ; javac/java
Process: taking note
Review: for/conditional
[code main]
1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 4.2
Hw: Problem Solving sheet
Jan 27 |
PP I: helper methods and scope (inner most);
actual vs. formal parameters
[code param passing]
PJ TUT 2.1, 2.2 (Java String is Special)
3.1, 1.4, 1.5 |
Read 7.2 &
How to Pair Program?
Review CPE sections
Lab #2
array practice (in pair)
Project #1 out Path Runner
Read Processing File: 6.2, 6.3
29 |
Java Structure: arrays, parameters passing primitives vs. references
[code array]
[Procedural template]
4.3, 7.1, 2.5 |
31 |
Java Implementation: memory layout; immutable String
Handout: guessing game
3.3 (interactive & Scanner ), 6.1, 7.3 |
Feb 3 |
PP II: Design review
Process: Managing scope with class variables and constants, global vs. local
API: Using Random , Scanner methods (console System.in and File )
[code guessing game]
5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 3.4 |
Unit 1: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Writing a class, an interface and an abstract class; polymorphism; inheritance (IS-A) vs. composition (HAS-A)
5 |
Defining class : class (template) vs. object (instance)
client vs. object code, constructor: class Radio example
[guessing game refactor] (Scanner class variable)
7.5, 8.1 |
Read 8.2
Lab #3
OOP intro
Read Design Expectations:
4.4, 4.5, 5.4, 5.5 & 5.6
Project # 1 Milestone
DEMO in lab (Part I)
Explorer Part II
7 |
class Rational : instance variables, constructors (this redirection), instance methods, toString()
[code blank rational]
8.3, 8.4
Feb 10 |
class Rational cont.: getters/setters, mutable vs. immutable, equals , instanceof |
8.5 |
Re-read 8, especially 8.4
Lab #4
credit card
12 |
Exam I: Procedural Programming in Java
review material available on Moodle
14 |
class Rational cont.: implicit parameter this , instance vs. class methods
[code rational completed] |
Re-read 8 |
Project #1 due |
Feb 17 |
Inheritance I: class Object , extends
Recursion review, FIX ME activity, extends Exception
[OOP_FIX ME sheet]
9.1, 9.2
Read: 7.4, 7.5
Optional Reading: 3G.1
Lab #5
silver game (in pair)
Project #2 out
19 |
Inheritance II: super , abstract class
class StaffMember/Employee/Volunteer.. (NGO example)
9.3 |
20 |
Inheritance III: polymorphism
9.4, 9.5 |
Feb 24 |
Inheritance IV: interface , implements , IS-A (inheritance) vs HAS-A (composition)
9.6 |
Unit 2: Linear Data Structures
Using and implementing ArrayList (continuous) vs. LinkedList (dynamic allocation)
Constrained Linear Structure: Stack (LIFO) vs. Queue (FIFO)
26 |
Using a Linear Structure: generics (parametrized type); Collections, ArrayList
Re-read 9, especially 9.3
Silver Game DEMO
Lab #6
software company
28 |
Implementing Linear Structure I: interface List , class ArrayList design
10.2, 15.1 |
Mar 2 |
15.2 |
Optional Reading: 3G.2
Lab #7
shape graphics
4 |
ArrayList implementation: remove/clear/set
Project #2 due
6 |
"Extensible" ArrayList : ensuring capacity, i.e inner array big enough
Incrementind or doubling for reallocation
13.3, 13.4 |
Mar 9 |
Complexity Analysis: Space vs. Time Complexity; Running Time comparison
order categories; linear vs. quadratic; analyzing loops
15.3, 15.4
Re-read 13.2
Lab #8
Running Time Packet (in group/POGIL)
11 |
Exam II: Object-Oriented Programming (include using ArrayList)
review material available on Moodle
13 |
Practice of Running time: counting copies for ArrayList array reallocation (linear vs. quadratic)
Binary search for sorted list: log n , just a big constant
Project #3 out
Read code review
Mid-Term Recess
Mar 23 |
Implementing Linear Structure II: Iterator implementation for ArrayList ; inner-class
16.1, 12.1
Read Chapters 90 & 91
Lab #9
Sorting Packet (in group/POGIL)
25 WD deadline |
Memory allocation: ArrayList (continuous/packed) vs. LinkedList (dynamic)
LinkedList Introduction: implementing a classNode and making a chain of them
16.2, 12.2
27 |
Implementing Linear Structure III: LinkedList implementation; drawing diagrams
[code] |
Chapter 100
Mar 30 |
LinkedList implementation: insertFirst , deleteFirst ; insertLast/deleLast as homework
sorting, compareTo
Chapters 92, 16.3, 12.3
Re-read 16.2
Lab #10 Linked List
Apr 1 |
LinkedList implementation II: Generics version |
Apr 3 |
Implementing Linear Structure IV: Iterator implementation for LinkedList
16.4, 16.5
Apr 6 |
Constraint Linear Structures: Stack vs. Queue
14.1, 12.6 |
Lab #11
8 |
Implementing Linear Structure V: Stack/Queue implementation with LinkedList s;
Each implementation HAS-A particular LList ; delegation pattern
10 |
Problem solving with Stack : postponing applications
14.3, 14.4
Apr 13 |
Implementing Linear Structure VI: Stack/Queue implementation array based;
Circular queue
??? |
15 |
Exam III: Linear Data Structures
review material available on Moodle
Unit 3: Advanced Data Structures
HashTable and Binary Search Tree
17 |
Linear vs. Non-linear Structure: Binary Search with nodes
Binary Search Tree (BST), linear vs. log review
Advanced Data Structure I: hashing, hashcode() for String
17.1, 11.2
Lab #12
Apr 20 |
Advanced Data Structure I: Dictionary Implementation
Lab # 13
22 |
Advanced Data Structure I: Handling Collisions
24 |
Apr 27 |
Advanced Data Structure II: Binary Trees |
17.2, 17.3
29 |
Advanced Data Structure III: Binary Search Trees
May 1 |
R May 7 |
Exam 12:00--2:00