Computer Science 101 Intro to Computing I
Spring 2016
Exam 3
Concepts covered
The second midterm covers units 1 - 6 and Chapters 1-8 and Chapters 10-11. The exam is cumulative. The new concepts since the last exam include:
- string methods, slicing,
and chr
- list methods, slicing
- files
- dictionaries
- program design
- aliasing
Study tips
- Do practice problems.
- Write out your answer on paper (computers are not permitted during the exam!)
- Avoid looking at the solutions until you've spent at least 15-30 minutes trying to write the solution on your own.
Study materials
no sample exam is provided (the format will be similar to previous exams)
Problems from class (handouts, etc.).
Practice problems and solutions
Additional problems can be found at the end of each textbook chapter.