Debate Teams


Each debate will have two teams of  three or four people each. Each team will first present for 10-15 minutes supporting their side of the debate (Power-point slides may be used for this presentation). Then each side may take turns questioning points presented by the other side for about 8 minutes each. Finally, each side will have about 5 minutes to conclude.

1. There should be a Federal law requiring states to use risk-limiting audits for all Federal elections.

In favor: Jessie Cai, Chris Deng, Cameron Jones

Against: Andy Gong, James Pryor, Carley Ferentz


2. Government issued photo ID required to vote

In favor: Will Fine, Ellen Weinstock, Georgina Maisto

Against: Reade Fenner, Kewei Hu, Cooper Wright


3. Convicted Felons should recover their right to vote after serving their sentence (including probabtion)

In favor:  Kyle Carlesimo, Camille Hick, Eleanor Dana, Chayce Canty

Against: Wyatt Hall, Alysha Mendez, Nhu Dang, Alec Bresler



