Core 139
Course Description

Fall, 2023

How should we elect our President and other government officials? Is our method of election fair to all voters? What is the best way to cast and record our votes? In what ways do computers impact our elections?

This course will survey different methods of conducting elections and voting. This will give us tools to assess the fairness of our election methods in this country and how we might make policy decisions related to elections and voting. These policies concern both the ways of casting our votes – voting technology – and the election methods (Electoral College, plurality versus run-off and other election methods). We will also examine how advances in computing technology have affected elections, particularly with sophisticated algorithms for gerrymandering.

The first module for this course will consider different ways that votes can be cast. This will include the history of different methods of voting and their vulnerability to fraud. This will lead up to current debates about voting technology – how effective are different modern systems, such as electronically scanned paper ballots and direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machines, for accurately and securely recording votes and protecting against voting fraud. How can we systematically compare and weigh the risks associated different voting methods? We will also consider issues about voter eligibility. How should databases be used to verify or purge voter registration roles? What documentation should be required for voter registration and in order to vote on election day? We will also assess how computing technology has impacted the common practice of gerrymandering -- redistricting in such a way as to favor the party in power.

The second module in this course will compare different ways of electing candidates and the mathematical theory behind these methods. Methods to be considered include plurality (candidate with the most votes wins), different run-off methods, points methods, and others. It will also look at the two-stage process for United States Presidential elections where in the second stage states vote using a weighted vote (the electoral college). Students will be expected to understand the theoretical results and to apply them to specific situations.

Instructor:            Chris Nevison, Computer Science

A brief Illustrated History of Voting,  Douglas W. Jones (online)
Chaotic Elections, Donald Saari

Other readings will be given as  links to web pages on the syllabus.     

Recommended Readings:
The History and Politics of Voting, Roy G. Saltman


Discussion papers/quizzes                         25%
Lab Exercises (Gerrymander, Election)    25%
Debate                                                       10%
Paper                                                          20%                                           
Exam                                                         20%


There will be regular online quizzes during thes econd half of the course. These will be due on the Friday of the week that topic is discussed.

Laboratory exercises

For each module there will be one laboratory exercises. These exercises will involve working with the issues introduced in class.