Source code for switchyard.lib.packet.common

import struct
import array
from enum import Enum
from socket import ntohs

[docs]class EtherType(Enum): NoType = 0xFFFF IP = 0x0800 IPv4 = 0x0800 ARP = 0x0806 x8021Q = 0x8100 Vlan = 0x8100 VLAN = 0x8100 IPv6 = 0x86dd SLOW = 0x8809 MPLS = 0x8847 x8021AD = 0x88a8 LLDP = 0x88cc x8021AH = 0x88e7 IEEE8023 = 0x05dc
class ArpHwType(Enum): Ethernet = 1
[docs]class ArpOperation(Enum): Request = 1 Reply = 2 RequestReverse = 3 ReplyReverse = 4
[docs]class IPProtocol(Enum): IPv6HopOption = 0 ICMP = 1 IGMP = 2 IPinIP = 4 TCP = 6 UDP = 17 IPv6Encap = 41 IPv6RouteOption = 43 IPv6Fragment = 44 RSVP = 46 GRE = 47 EncapsulatingSecurityPayload = 50 AuthenticationHeader = 51 IPMobility = 55 TLSP = 56 ICMPv6 = 58 IPv6NoNext = 59 IPv6DestinationOption = 60 EIGRP = 88 OSPF = 89 IPIP = 94 EtherIP = 97 SCTP = 132 IPv6Mobility = 135 MPLSinIP = 137 IPv6Shim6 = 140
class IPFragmentFlag(Enum): NoFragments = 0 DontFragment = 2 MoreFragments = 4 class IPOptionNumber(Enum): EndOfOptionList = 0 NoOperation = 1 LooseSourceRouting = 3 Timestamp = 4 RecordRoute = 7 StrictSourceRouting = 9 MTUProbe = 11 MTUReply = 12 RouterAlert = 20
[docs]class ICMPType(Enum): EchoReply = 0 DestinationUnreachable = 3 SourceQuench = 4 Redirect = 5 EchoRequest = 8 RouterAdvertisement = 9 RouterSolicitation = 10 TimeExceeded = 11 ParameterProblem = 12 Timestamp = 13 TimestampReply = 14 InformationRequest = 15 InformationReply = 16 AddressMaskRequest = 17 AddressMaskReply = 18
class ICMPCodeEchoReply(Enum): EchoReply = 0 class ICMPCodeDestinationUnreachable(Enum): NetworkUnreachable = 0 HostUnreachable = 1 ProtocolUnreachable = 2 PortUnreachable = 3 FragmentationRequiredDFSet = 4 SourceRouteFailed = 5 DestinationNetworkUnknown = 6 DestinationHostUnknown = 7 SourceHostIsolated = 8 NetworkAdministrativelyProhibited = 9 HostAdministrativelyProhibited = 10 NetworkUnreachableForTOS = 11 HostUnreachableForTOS = 12 CommunicationAdministrativelyProhibited = 13 HostPrecedenceViolation = 14 PrecedenceCutoffInEffect = 15 class ICMPCodeSourceQuench(Enum): SourceQuench = 0 class ICMPCodeRedirect(Enum): RedirectForNetwork = 0 RedirectForHost = 1 RedirectForTOSAndNetwork = 2 RedirectForTOSAndHost = 3 class ICMPCodeEchoRequest(Enum): EchoRequest = 0 class ICMPCodeRouterAdvertisement(Enum): RouterAdvertisement = 0 class ICMPCodeRouterSolicitation(Enum): RouterSolicitation = 0 class ICMPCodeTimeExceeded(Enum): TTLExpired = 0 FragmentReassemblyTimeExceeded = 1 class ICMPCodeParameterProblem(Enum): PointerIndictatesError = 0 MissingRequiredOption = 1 BadLength = 2 class ICMPCodeTimestamp(Enum): Timestamp = 0 class ICMPCodeTimestampReply(Enum): TimestampReply = 0 class ICMPCodeInformationRequest(Enum): InformationRequest = 0 class ICMPCodeInformationReply(Enum): InformationReply = 0 class ICMPCodeAddressMaskRequest(Enum): AddressMaskRequest = 0 class ICMPCodeAddressMaskReply(Enum): AddressMaskReply = 0 ICMPTypeCodeMap = { ICMPType.EchoReply: ICMPCodeEchoReply, ICMPType.DestinationUnreachable: ICMPCodeDestinationUnreachable, ICMPType.SourceQuench: ICMPCodeSourceQuench, ICMPType.Redirect: ICMPCodeRedirect, ICMPType.EchoRequest: ICMPCodeEchoRequest, ICMPType.RouterAdvertisement: ICMPCodeRouterAdvertisement, ICMPType.RouterSolicitation: ICMPCodeRouterSolicitation, ICMPType.TimeExceeded: ICMPCodeTimeExceeded, ICMPType.ParameterProblem: ICMPCodeParameterProblem, ICMPType.Timestamp: ICMPCodeTimestamp, ICMPType.TimestampReply: ICMPCodeTimestampReply, ICMPType.InformationRequest: ICMPCodeInformationRequest, ICMPType.InformationReply: ICMPCodeInformationReply, ICMPType.AddressMaskRequest: ICMPCodeAddressMaskRequest, ICMPType.AddressMaskReply: ICMPCodeAddressMaskReply } class ICMPv6Type(Enum): DestinationUnreachable = 1 PacketTooBig = 2 TimeExceeded = 3 ParameterProblem = 4 PrivateExperimentation1 = 100 PrivateExperimentation2 = 101 EchoRequest = 128 EchoReply = 129 MulticastListenerQuery = 130 MulticastListenerReport = 131 MulticastListenerDone = 132 RouterSolicitation = 133 RouterAdvertisement = 134 NeighborSolicitation = 135 NeighborAdvertisement = 136 RedirectMessage = 137 RouterRenumbering = 138 ICMPNodeInformationQuery = 139 ICMPNodeInformationResponse = 140 InverseNeighborDiscoverySolicitationMessage = 141 InverseNeighborDiscoveryAdvertisementMessage = 142 Version2MulticastListenerReport = 143 HomeAgentAddressDiscoveryRequestMessage = 144 HomeAgentAddressDiscoveryReplyMessage = 145 MobilePrefixSolicitation = 146 MobilePrefixAdvertisement = 147 CertificationPathSolicitationMessage = 148 CertificationPathAdvertisementMessage = 149 ICMPmessagesutilizedbyexperimentalmobilityprotocolssuchasSeamoby = 150 MulticastRouterAdvertisement = 151 MulticastRouterSolicitation = 152 MulticastRouterTermination = 153 FMIPv6Messages = 154 RPLControlMessage = 155 ILNPv6LocatorUpdateMessage = 156 DuplicateAddressRequest = 157 DuplicateAddressConfirmation = 158 Privateexperimentation3 = 200 Privateexperimentation4 = 201 ICMPv6TypeCodeMap = { ICMPv6Type.EchoRequest: ICMPCodeEchoRequest, ICMPv6Type.EchoReply: ICMPCodeEchoReply } # the following checksum function was taken from the POX openflow controller # Copyright 2011,2012 James McCauley # Copyright 2008 (C) Nicira, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # This file is derived from the packet library in NOX, which was # developed by Nicira, Inc. def checksum (data, start = 0, skip_word = None): """ Calculate standard internet checksum over data starting at start'th byte skip_word: If specified, it's the word offset of a word in data to "skip" (as if it were zero). The purpose is when data is received data which contains a computed checksum that you are trying to verify -- you want to skip that word since it was zero when the checksum was initially calculated. """ if len(data) % 2 != 0: arr = array.array('H', data[:-1]) else: arr = array.array('H', data) if skip_word is not None: for i in range(0, len(arr)): if i == skip_word: continue start += arr[i] else: for i in range(0, len(arr)): start += arr[i] if len(data) % 2 != 0: start += struct.unpack('H', data[-1:]+b'\x00')[0] # Specify order? start = (start >> 16) + (start & 0xffff) start += (start >> 16) #while start >> 16: # start = (start >> 16) + (start & 0xffff) return ntohs(~start & 0xffff)