Source code for switchyard.lib.address

__author__ = ''

from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Network, IPv6Address, IPv6Network, ip_address
from enum import Enum

# make aliases for built-in ip_address class
IPAddr = IPv4Address 

import struct
import socket

# EthAddr class modified from POX code, license below.

# Copyright 2011,2012,2013 James McCauley
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

[docs]class EthAddr (object): """ An Ethernet (MAC) address type. """ __slots__ = ['__value'] def __init__ (self, addr=None): """ Understands Ethernet address is various forms. Hex strings, raw byte strings, etc. """ # Always stores as a bytes object of length 6 self.__value = None if isinstance(addr, bytes): self.__value = bytes(addr[:6]) elif isinstance(addr, EthAddr): self.__value = addr.raw elif addr is None: self.__value = b'\x00' * 6 elif isinstance(addr, str): possible_separators = (':','-') for sep in possible_separators: if addr.count(sep) == 5: self.__value = bytes([ int(val,base=16) for val in addr.split(sep)]) break if not self.__value: raise RuntimeError("Expected ethernet address string to be 6 raw " "bytes or some hex")
[docs] def isBridgeFiltered (self): """ Checks if address is an IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridge Filtered MAC Group Address This range is 01-80-C2-00-00-00 to 01-80-C2-00-00-0F. MAC frames that have a destination MAC address within this range are not relayed by bridges conforming to IEEE 802.1D """ return ((self.__value[0] == 0x01) and (self.__value[1] == 0x80) and (self.__value[2] == 0xC2) and (self.__value[3] == 0x00) and (self.__value[4] == 0x00) and (self.__value[5] <= 0x0F))
@property def is_bridge_filtered (self): return self.isBridgeFiltered()
[docs] def isGlobal (self): """ Returns True if this is a globally unique (OUI enforced) address. """ return not self.isLocal()
[docs] def isLocal (self): """ Returns True if this is a locally-administered (non-global) address. """ return True if (self.__value[0] & 2) else False
@property def is_local (self): return self.isLocal() @property def is_global (self): return self.isGlobal()
[docs] def isMulticast (self): """ Returns True if this is a multicast address. """ return True if (self.__value[0] & 1) else False
@property def is_multicast (self): return self.isMulticast()
[docs] def toRaw (self): return self.raw
@property def raw (self): """ Returns the address as a 6-long bytes object. """ return self.__value @property def packed(self): return self.raw
[docs] def toTuple (self): """ Returns a 6-entry long tuple where each entry is the numeric value of the corresponding byte of the address. """ return tuple(self.__value)
[docs] def toStr (self, separator = ':'): """ Returns the address as string consisting of 12 hex chars separated by separator. """ return separator.join(('{:02x}'.format(x) for x in self.__value))
def __str__ (self): return self.toStr() def __eq__(self, other): other = EthAddr(other) return self.raw == other.raw def __lt__(self, other): other = EthAddr(other) return self.raw < other.raw def __hash__ (self): return hash(self.__value) def __repr__ (self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "('" + self.toStr() + "')" def __len__ (self): return 6
ethaddr = EthAddr macaddr = EthAddr
[docs]class SpecialIPv6Addr(Enum): UNDEFINED = ip_address('::') ALL_NODES_LINK_LOCAL = ip_address('ff02::1') ALL_ROUTERS_LINK_LOCAL = ip_address('ff02::2') ALL_NODES_INTERFACE_LOCAL = ip_address('ff01::1') ALL_ROUTERS_INTERFACE_LOCAL = ip_address('ff01::2')
#ff02::1:3 link local multicast name resolution #ff02::1:ff00:0/104 solicited-node #ff02::2:ff00:0/104 node information query
[docs]class SpecialIPv4Addr(Enum): IP_ANY = ip_address("") IP_BROADCAST = ip_address("")
class SpecialEthAddr(Enum): ETHER_ANY = EthAddr(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00') ETHER_BROADCAST = EthAddr(b'\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff') BRIDGE_GROUP_ADDRESS = EthAddr(b'\x01\x80\xC2\x00\x00\x00') LLDP_MULTICAST = EthAddr(b'\x01\x80\xc2\x00\x00\x0e') PAE_MULTICAST = EthAddr(b'\x01\x80\xc2\x00\x00\x03') # 802.1x Port Access Entity NDP_MULTICAST = EthAddr(b'\x01\x23\x20\x00\x00\x01') # Nicira discovery multicast def netmask_to_cidr (dq): """ Takes a netmask as either an IPAddr or a string, and returns the number of network bits. e.g., -> 24 Raise exception if subnet mask is not CIDR-compatible. """ if isinstance(dq, str): dq = IPv4Address(dq) v = int(dq) c = 0 while v & 0x80000000: c += 1 v <<= 1 v = v & 0xffFFffFF if v != 0: raise RuntimeError("Netmask %s is not CIDR-compatible" % (dq,)) return c def cidr_to_netmask (bits): """ Takes a number of network bits, and returns the corresponding netmask as an IPAddr. e.g., 24 -> """ v = (1 << bits) - 1 v = v << (32-bits) return IPAddr(v) def parse_cidr (addr, infer=True, allow_host=False): """ Takes a CIDR address or plain dotted-quad, and returns a tuple of address and count-of-network-bits. Can infer the network bits based on network classes if infer=True. Can also take a string in the form 'address/netmask', as long as the netmask is representable in CIDR. FIXME: This function is badly named. """ def check (r0, r1): a = int(r0) b = r1 if (not allow_host) and (a & ((1<<b)-1)): raise RuntimeError("Host part of CIDR address is not zero (%s)" % (addr,)) return (r0,32-r1) addr = addr.split('/', 2) if len(addr) == 1: if infer is False: return check(IPAddr(addr[0]), 0) addr = IPAddr(addr[0]) b = 32-infer_netmask(addr) m = (1<<b)-1 if (int(addr) & m) == 0: # All bits in wildcarded part are 0, so we'll use the wildcard return check(addr, b) else: # Some bits in the wildcarded part are set, so we'll assume it's a host return check(addr, 0) try: wild = 32-int(addr[1]) except: # Maybe they passed a netmask m = int(IPAddr(addr[1])) b = 0 while m & (1<<31): b += 1 m <<= 1 if m & 0x7fffffff != 0: raise RuntimeError("Netmask " + str(addr[1]) + " is not CIDR-compatible") wild = 32-b if not (wild >= 0 and wild <= 32): raise RuntimeError("Invalid mask length") return check(IPAddr(addr[0]), wild) if not (wild >= 0 and wild <= 32): raise RuntimeError("Invalid mask length") return check(IPAddr(addr[0]), wild) def infer_netmask (addr): """ Uses network classes to guess the number of network bits """ addr = int(addr) if addr == 0: # Special case -- default network return 32-32 # all bits wildcarded if (addr & (1 << 31)) == 0: # Class A return 32-24 if (addr & (3 << 30)) == 2 << 30: # Class B return 32-16 if (addr & (7 << 29)) == 6 << 29: # Class C return 32-8 if (addr & (15 << 28)) == 14 << 28: # Class D (Multicast) return 32-0 # exact match # Must be a Class E (Experimental) return 32-0