SPLAT: A Scatter and Phase Plot Animation Tool

SPLAT offers visualization capabilities based on 2D scatter and phase plots of Internet-type data (integers, floats, and IPV4 addresses). It includes a set of pruning, zooming and feature selection (i.e., filtering) capabilities developed specifically for large high-dimensional Internet data analysis. A distinguishing feature of SPLAT is that it can display animations of phase and scatter plots as they evolve over time. This 3D capability can assist with the discovery and identification of subtle features in the data that may reveal interesting aspects of Internet structure and behavior but would typically be overlooked when using a purely static display of the data.

SPLAT was first described in a paper that appeared at the Passive and Active Measurement Conference, March 2006. Slides from the talk are also available.

All releases available on the WAIL downloads page. The current documentation (such as it is) is here (pdf, ~2MB).

Release History
19 May 2006First alpha release of SPLAT. Release includes initial documentation (incomplete at this stage). Basic testing done on MacOS X and Linux platforms.