CS 100 Spring 2014
Lab 8
draw() &
Due Monday April, 21st

Using the Processing language/environment answer the questions below.

Consider the following code written using functions.

void setup() {
  size(400, 400);

void draw() {
  background(75, 172, 245);
  drawDuck(200, 150, 150, 120);

void drawDuck(int centerX, int centerY, int objWidth, int objHeight) {

  float headSize = objHeight/2.0;

  float headX = centerX + 3/2.0 * objWidth/5.0;
  float headY = centerY - objHeight/4.0;

  float beak = 1/3.0 * headSize;
  fill(245, 148, 75);

  triangle(headX+headSize/2.0-beak/3.0, headY-beak/3.0, 
           headX+headSize/2.0+beak, headY, 
           headX+headSize/2.0-beak/3.0, headY+beak/3.0);

  float bellyVerticalSize = 4/3.0 * headSize;
  float bellyY = centerY + 1/3.0 * headSize;
  fill(245, 230, 75);

  ellipse(centerX, bellyY, objWidth, bellyVerticalSize);
  //println(bellyVerticalSize + " " + bellyY);

  // add code here for the head
  // grid to help you. comment out once you have it right        
  drawGrid(centerX, centerY, objWidth, objHeight, headX, headY, bellyY);

void drawGrid(int centerX, int centerY, int objWidth, int objHeight, 
                                   float headX, float headY, float bellyY) {

  float boundaryBoxX = centerX-objWidth/2.0;
  float boundaryBoxY = centerY-objHeight/2.0;
  rect(boundaryBoxX, boundaryBoxY, objWidth, objHeight); 

  stroke(255, 0, 0);
  point(headX, headY);
  point(centerX, bellyY);

  float incY = 1/4.0 * objHeight;
  float lineY =  boundaryBoxY + incY;
  while (lineY < boundaryBoxY+objHeight) {
    line(boundaryBoxX, lineY, boundaryBoxX+objWidth, lineY);
    lineY =  lineY + incY;

  float incX = 1/5.0 * objWidth;
  float lineX =  boundaryBoxX + incX;
  while (lineX < boundaryBoxX+objWidth) {
    line(lineX, boundaryBoxY, lineX, boundaryBoxY+objHeight);
    lineX =  lineX + incX;

Before running the program

Copy and paste the code above into a file duckScene.pde.
Run the program and compare the result to your prediction.

1. [3 pts] Add graphics function calls inside the drawDuck(...) to complete the head of the one duck the function draws. See the larger duck model in the image below.

2. [4 pts] Add to the body of draw() to make it draw the following image.

3. [3 pts] Save your previous program with the following new name duckSceneAnimate.pde.

Modify this program to have the ducks moving to the right.

