#Both examples could not be done with #for char in word: #Ask for a string from the keyboard. #Check whether there is any occurrence of the substring #c-de in the string, #where the - can be any letter. #Print a message "Got code." if you find the pattern #(but only print the message once even if there are #two occurrences of the pattern) s = raw_input("Please enter a string: ") found = False for i in range(len(s)-3): # why -3 is important? try without for 'cod' if s[i] == 'c' and s[i+2] == 'd' and s[i+3] == 'e': found = True if found: print "Got code." else: print "Why you no have code?" #Ask for # - a string and # - a two-character string (character pair) #from the keyboard. #Find and print the index of the second occurrence of #the pair of characters within the first string. #Also, if there is no second occurrence of the letter pair, #the program should say so. #For example, if the first string is "boohoo" and #the pair is "oo", the program should print 4. s = raw_input("Give me a string: ") pair = raw_input("What is the letter pair? ") count = 0 for i in range(len(s)-1): if s[i] == pair[0] and s[i+1] == pair[1]: count += 1 if count == 2: print "Second occurrence is at index",i if count < 2: print "There was no second occurrence of", pair, "in", s