#User enters a number (input) #Program output if it is a positive number that is #multiple of 13 a = int(raw_input('what\'s your # ')) if a % 13 == 0 and a > 0: print "Lucky multiple of 13" sentence = raw_input('enter your string ') count = 0 #Handout 7. #Section 2: Q1 for letter in sentence: if letter == 'e' or letter == 'E': count += 1 print count, 'e/E' #Ask for a word at the keyboard. #Construct a new string in which all vowels of the word #are replaced with asterisks. #For example, if a user types 'food', #your code should print 'f**d'. sentence = raw_input('enter your string ') newSentence = '' for letter in sentence: if letter in 'aeiou': newSentence += '*' else: newSentence += letter print newSentence