# What is a string? # = a sequence of characters # A. Let's say now that we want to take a string and # print the characters, one at a time, each on a separate line # What do we need: # = a new statement called the for statement that lets us # REPEAT a set of Python statements, for some fixed number of times # = Iteration with for loop # for is a keyword # Basic syntax # ------------ # # for iteration_variable in sequence: # statement 1 # statement 2 # .... # statement n # # key thing # 1. we need a COLON at the end of initial # 2. each statement "inside" the loop must be indented # (convention is 4 spaces) fruit = raw_input("What is your favorite fruit? ") #print fruit for letter in fruit: print letter, # try with and without the comma print print "done" # B. What if we now take a string and construct a REVERSED copy of it # It is tricky fruit = raw_input('What is your favorite fruit? ') new_string = '' for letter in fruit: new_string = letter + new_string print new_string